Does the Library accept donations?
We accept all book and movie donations with the exception of textbooks and encyclopedias.
We accept all book and movie donations with the exception of textbooks and encyclopedias.
You must visit the library in person to receive a library card. We require one form of photo identification. Persons six (6) years of age or older may receive their own card.
Due Date Your utility bill is payable in full by the 15th of the month. Paid after the 15th A 10% late fee will be applied to any balance not paid by the 15th. Delinquent Date In addition service is subject to disconnection without further notice for any balance still remaining after the 24th of … Continued
You can view the 2019 Water Quality report here.
A Beer/Alcohol Permit is required to sell beer and/or alcohol in the city of Munford. A completed application, background check thorough understanding of the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance and its requirements for holding a beer or liquor license, and an appearance in front of the beer/alcohol board are required. Our board requires all employees of a … Continued
Useful Tips Munford Public Works encourages its customers to take the following precautions to reduce the risk of freezing pipes that can burst. Vulnerable Pipes If you have pipes that are vulnerable to freezing, allow a small trickle of water to run overnight to keep pipes from freezing. The cost of the extra water is … Continued
The City of Munford currently has 4 notary publics. 3 are located at Munford City Hall and 1 located at the Munford Tipton County Memorial Library.
Online Registration ActiveNet – Online Recreation Activities ( For additional questions about our seasonal sports program registration please contact Munford Parks and Recreation Department at 901-837-5965.
The current sports schedule is available by contacting the Munford Parks and Recreation Department at 901-837-5965.
You can request to rent park space by contacting the Munford Parks and Recreation Department at 901-837-5965. Space is rented on a first come first serve basis.