FAQ Topic: Business

How do I do business with the City?

Posted solicitations are separated into two generalized categories:  Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Quotes (RFQ)/Invitation for Bid (IFB) All solicitations over $10,000 will be posted in local newspaper (The Leader) and online at www.munford.com unless it an emergency service or product needed. They may also be emailed out to local contractors or those that have … Continued

How do I apply for a beer or liquor permit?

A Beer/Alcohol Permit is required to sell beer and/or alcohol in the city of Munford.  A completed application, background check thorough understanding of the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance and its requirements for holding a beer or liquor license, and an appearance in front of the beer/alcohol board are required.  Our board requires all employees of a … Continued

Do I need a Business Sign Permit?

A permit must be applied for and approved before a business sign can be placed, replaced, or changed. You can access the sign permit here.

Do I need a Business License?

Businesses must obtain a business license from the Tipton County Clerk Office located at 220 U.S. Highway 51 N, Covington TN 38019. Here are some helpful links: Steps to starting a business in  Tipton County, Tennessee Tipton County Business License Online Application South Tipton County Chamber of Commerce

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